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ABC Milwaukee - TV News Feature


(Didgeridoo music plays over exterior and interior images of a bar, it's patrons, and close-ups of didgeridoos)

Voice Over: It's a sound not normally heard in these parts... even at this east side bar that embraces travel. But, what looks like a fancy piece of wood, caught the eye of local musician Reid Runzheimer.

Reid: For me, different sounds resonate with me. They become things I need to acquire.

Voice Over: On a trip to Australia, he picked up several didgeridoos and hasn't put them down.


Voice Over: The sound is not easy to master.

Reid: You flutter your lips and you snort air in through your nose and exhale, seemingly at the same time.

Voice Over: While it's an instrument in the shadows here in the States, in Australia it is as common as the guitar.

Reid: Aborigines thought of the sound as the earth talking in some ways. It is a haunting sound that is almost hypnotic.

Voice Over: A sound that Runzheimer and others would like to bring up from down-under.

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